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Thursday, February 9


How do the PowerTeam, bashing babies’ heads on the rocks, and Jesus relate to each other?

I just finished listening to a 25-minute podcast that I thought was very well done [if you don’t have iTunes, you can still download the audio]. It's a program called Nuclearity and it’s done by a fellow named Hugh Duncan [I've already syndicated it].

In it he interviews Tremper Longman, Dan Allender, Don Miller, Brian Loritts and their understanding of the relationship. It was very helpful for me and the last 8 minutes are worth the entire listening.

The issues it deals with:
- The Imprecatory Psalms
- Politics and Evangelicalism
- Old Covenant/New Covenant

Music Excerpts: Carmen, Queen, Derek Webb (ecelectic, huh?)

I thought it had much to say in how Christianity relates to government. Of particular interest is how the Christian view of the world, salvation, and neighbor is dialectically opposed to the teachings of Islam. I will dialogue more on this later, but I want you to listen to the program first.

|| link to full program ||
The Grossest Verse in the Bible

Comments on "Neclearity"


Blogger John C. Majors said ... (Thu Feb 09, 06:11:00 PM) : 

awesome. Glad you FINALLY listened to it. I told you it was good.


Blogger Matthew Wireman said ... (Thu Feb 09, 06:31:00 PM) : 

A lot better than I thought it would be...I'll be listening to other ones shortly.

What did you think about the conclusions he drew?


Blogger John C. Majors said ... (Fri Feb 10, 11:44:00 PM) : 

very thought provoking. Hugh is such a great - he's a deep thinker, but he's always able to make theology personal. Made me re-consider how I approach the culture.


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