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Wednesday, August 17

A Non-Christian Must Contradict Himself

On my summer reading list I enjoyed the book, The God Who Is There, by Francis Schaeffer. I read it right after a class I had on Christian Philosophy which served to help me work through some of Schaeffer's well-versed sentences.

One of the things that stuck with me was the fact that the non-Christian must constantly live in a state of contradiction. This is much different than the tension the Christian is called to live in (the already-not yet kingdom reality: sanctified and being sanctified, saved and not-yet saved, sinner and saint, insert-your-own-thought-here). The difference lies in the worldview each one holds. The non-Christian is constantly borrowing from different (and contradictory) worldviews - such as Buddhist reincarnation and Christian creation.

This shouldn't surprise us. If we look at the culture around us, we see lazy people who have not thought through anything other than when their favorite show comes on prime-time. We sit around and are fed by others the things that we should know in order to graduate college or be successful in life. It is unusual to find someone who has thought through their position and can cogently explain it. They can't logically explain, because their position is not logical, period. People go to the buffet of worldviews and glutton themselves on things that sound sweet to the ear, but have no fiber. Thus, we need presuppositional apologetics.

Ask any non-Christian if he believes there is a God. If he says "yes", then have him define his god. It will become very apparent that this god is not God. In the depraved human heart there is no room for perfect justice - only the kind they deem right. If he says "no", ask him what has convinced him there is no God. Then, whether he believes in right and wrong. Then, from what does he base this right and wrong? If from himself, then what keeps me from hitting him if it is right for me? If determined by a society, what prevents the Nazis from exterminating people it sees as disposable? This is but a taste of presuppositional apologetics. Stay tuned for more thoughts on this.

Remember: there is no way that a non-Christian can live in the world and be logically responsible.

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