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Tuesday, June 6

Interpersonal Communication

A word from Joe Thorn:

Here’s a piece of advice for Christian bloggers. Please stop trying to be the theological version of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, et al. Regardless of the merits of their arguments, the attitude of such political pundits kills any real ability to communicate with people who may think differently. Persuasion generally does not result. I understand it in the political world. It’s the world for crying out loud. Pride and arrogance are values. But in the church, I find the approach nauseating, and all together unlike our Savior.

I found this the case while dialoguing with those who think substantially different than myself. As some of you know, I can get worked up about certain things - and have to apologize sometimes when my zeal becomes sin.

When I spoke with those from other seminaries I thought about the purpose of my trip. I wanted to learn from the locations and from the people. Listening was difficult as some arguments seemed to be weak. But I listened nonetheless. As I have experienced in the blogosphere, it is too easy to blast someone who says something you think is totally unfounded on the Scriptures. But blasting someone for the sake of truth does not justify the wicked use of words. Truth without humility fails to be truth. Instead, it becomes a justification for pride. It becomes the wedge in the door of our minds to defecating speech.

Comments on "Interpersonal Communication"


Blogger Tony Kummer said ... (Tue Jun 06, 09:29:00 PM) : 

Good words - the photo really nailed it.


Blogger Jason Ramage said ... (Mon Jun 12, 10:05:00 AM) : 

Is there anything in the Bible about humility and self-control? I don't think so... never heard of it.

On the other hand, sarcasm is a fruit of the Spirit and should be used at every available moment.


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