![]() I was tagged by Sir Cawley. Here are my answers. While I have received these things on e-mail at times, I thought this one was worthy to take the time to fill out. Reading others’ suggestions has added to my WishList (birthday coming up 8.27 by the way) and I am helped by the different offerings of books. 1. One book that changed your life: Let the Nations Be Glad! - John Piper (first book I read by him and it resonated with so much that I couldn’t articulate before) 2. One book that you've read more than once: The Bible - God & His Inspired Authors (not trying to be overly pious here...I just don’t read books more than once. If I had more time I might. There are just so many, I want to try and read as many as I can. I am sure there are plenty that want to debate as to why I should read a book more than once...I think I know. Time - and I’m a slow reader!) 3. One book you'd want on a desert island: The End for Which God Created the World - Jonathan Edwards 4. One book that made you laugh: Christianity & Liberalism - JG Machen (the way he puts his finger on the pulse of the problem and the parallels with today’s post-modernism are uncanny) 5. One book that made you cry: Return of the King - JRR Tolkien (I love Sam’s devotion to Frodo) 6. One book you wish had been written: I have an idea for one that you may be seeing in the future...can’t give it away. Sorry. 7. One book you wish had never been written: Charismatic Chaos - John MacArthur (Strawman arguments and extemely divisive. Not that divisiveness is always bad, just that to divid over a misunderstood position is.) 8. One book you're currently reading: Van Til’s Apologetic - Greg Bahnsen (Loving it...this book will be marked as a turning point in my life. I love apologetics, and Bahnsen’s parsing of VanTil is not only helpful, but VanTil’s excerpts are very worshipful and convicting.) 9. One book you've been meaning to read: How to Read a Book - Mortimer Adler (Touted as the first book everyone should read...slowly.) 10. Tag 28 others:Van Diesel, Josh Harris, Griffiths, JT, Andreas Kostenberger, Alex Chediak, GoodWillHiking, Cutch, Reid Monaghan, 3ABC Elders (all 4 of you!), Ben Witherington, Matthew Hall, Owen Strachan, Al Mohler, Matthew Molesky, Michael Haykin, Oren Martin, John Majors, Brian Lund, Kevin Figgins, Hugh Hewitt, Jason Kovacs, William Dembski, John Armstrong, Scot McKnight, and Ardel Caneday (although I know folks won’t all respond, I thought it would be edifying to see what all these folks suggest by way of books to read for development in our lives...let’s see what happens. Tag as many as you’d like, although the original directions said 5.) |
Comments on "Bibliophile"
I love me some readin'...
Thanks for commenting. I thought I had lost all my readers! I enjoyed the books you mentioned, though I don't think you would want to put the Bible in EVERY category like you mentioned...
hmmm... good point. d'oh!
have you ever read "The Little Prince" by Antoine de Saint Exupery? a book that made me cry...and think.
I will not answer until you play the bibliophile game on your blog...
i'll phile some biblios when i get a chance. i've been out of town for a week.
meantime, where have all the hurricanes gone??