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Wednesday, September 6

The Whole Glory of God: Imputation

Session Three of John Piper’s time at the Reformission Conference at Mars Hill Church in Seattle is now up.

Comments on "The Whole Glory of God: Imputation"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (Thu Sep 14, 08:32:00 PM) : 

Mr. Wireman,
Do you agree with this artilce? It was written by one of your fellow apprentices from John Piper's Church.



Anonymous Anonymous said ... (Fri Sep 15, 02:36:00 PM) : 

Posted by Thoughtful Reader....

In regards to this article. I would have to say that it smells a little of "21st century American Christianity". Getting married is not necessarily the answer to the character issues that Chediak addresses. It may be the jugernaut that awakens a complacent 20 something. But it is not necessarily the answer. Also, why in the world would you limit singleness as a gift primarily given to those who are going to be missionaries or travel alot. Paul is encouraging very normal Christians in 1 Corinthians 7 that in lite of their present circumstances to remain in the state of which they were called. Chediak has diminshed the gift of singleness and created a gift exaltation of marriage. Of course marriage is a good and holy and noble and God ordained calling. But, in light of the great in breaking of the kingdom that has taken place in Jesus Christ the redemptive order can "trump" the created order (see Paul 1 Corinthians 7). Rather than diminish the gift of singleness we need to learn to live with tension. The same Apostle who wrote Ephesians 5 also wrote 1 Corinthians 7. Both singleness and marraige are awesome callings. The key is not the role you are in, but living a life of whole hearted obedience to the One who has called us out of darkness into light.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (Fri Sep 15, 02:39:00 PM) : 

Posted by More Observant Reader...

Dear Observant Reader,
I like and agree with a lot of what you have shared. However, I think that you have misread the article that Alex Chediak has written. Chediak is clearly writing to people in America in the "21st century". If you look at the other posts on his blog, it is clear that he is a great exegete of culture. What wisdom he uses as he applies the scripture. If you listen to his talks at Bethel they are really good. I think Chediak might be one of the next big names in Christendom. He has been on Al Mohler's radio program and has some awesome endorsements for his book. Try to re-read his article and see if he hasn't made some excellent points and observations.

More Observant Reader


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (Mon Sep 18, 09:33:00 PM) : 

brother, these are great talks! I'm half way through and can't but think that I need to hear this over and over again! Piper's intro on his first talk at the conf reignited my christian-hedonistic juices! hope all is well in kentucky!


Blogger Matthew Wireman said ... (Tue Sep 19, 06:01:00 AM) : 

Thanks for your questions. I have posted some thoughts on the gift of singleness here: Marriage As Idol.

I take a different line of thought from Chediak and Mohler. I may write some more on this. Quite frankly, I am frightened by how some Christians speak of marriage. It is not the fixer-upper on personality. It is A help ( a big help at that), but it is not the answer.


Blogger Matthew Wireman said ... (Tue Sep 19, 06:01:00 AM) : 

By the way, how did you guys know that I am a TBI alum?


Blogger Matthew Wireman said ... (Tue Sep 19, 06:03:00 AM) : 

You can also check out my follow-up post: Singleness As Idol where I try to bring some balance to the previous one. I would love to hear your thoughts as I have not heard enough Christians speak this way.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (Sun Mar 18, 02:25:00 PM) : 

Hi Matt (and others),

I don't believe I said it was "the answer" -- please see the last paragraph:


Dear Thoughtful Reader....

I appreciate your push-back. No, I would not limit singleness as a gift primarily given to those who are going to be missionaries or travel alot (note the "etc.." in my article). I'm just saying marriage is a means of grace that some neglect at their peril. Who the "some" are -- that's for Christians to discern based on some of what I discuss here:


Thank you for your responses. Please keep the "push back" coming, because I want to be sharpened in my thinking.

Yours in Christ,

Alex Chediak


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